IRAP - NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program
The National Research Council’s (NRC) Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) provides both technical support and financial assistance to innovative Canadian SMEs.
The National Research Council’s (NRC) Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) provides both technical support and financial assistance to innovative Canadian SMEs.
Technical support
NRC’s Industrial Technology Advisors (ITAs) oversee clients at every stage of the innovation process. From concept to marketing, they provide technical and commercial advice, refer to other resources or other services for innovation as required.
ITAs can establish meshes with resources in the following areas:
- technological and commercial assistance;
- documentation and patent searches;
- referrals to other programs and services;
- search for expertise;
- networking and meshing with adequate resources; and
- strategic analysis.
Financial aid
IRAP provides financial support to eligible small and medium-sized enterprises in Canada that wish to develop technologies. This assistance varies from project to project, but is usually refundable based on the company’s performance with the technology.
IRAP can fund up to 80% of research-related salaries and 50% of subcontracts. Total government assistance (IRAP, SR & ED, etc.) for a project can not exceed 75% of total costs.
Research and development :
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